The 2015 amendments to the Dangerous Drugs Act allows you to handle ganja for medical, scientific and therapeutic purposes under a licensing regime. The Regulations therefore allow for the ability to cultivate, transport, process, and sell ganja and ganja products under a regulated licensing regime that includes licences across several categories and types.

The Regulations recently promulgated by the Cannabis Licensing Authority outlines criteria that must be met by applicants. In addition, the Regulations clearly outline persons that cannot apply either as individuals or as Directors as companies.

Applying for a licence to handle ganja is simple. The Cannabis Licensing Authority has deliberately made it easy for persons to become involved in what promises to be an industry of great economic benefit to Jamaica.

Application Forms

The Cannabis Licensing Authority (CLA), an agency of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and Fisheries, was established in 2015 under the Dangerous Drug Amendment Act, (DDA) with a specific role to establish and regulate Jamaica’s legal ganja and hemp industry.

Pre-Licence Inspection Criteria

Once you have submitted all the requisite documentation and your application has been processed a determination will be made as to whether the applicant has passed the fit and proper test for a licence.  If it has, the application will progress to the next phase of the review process where a pre-licence inspection will take place.

There are fees associated with each category type, as well as a non-refundable application processing fee and a security bond payable per licence applied for. The fees, which are all quoted in United States Dollars but are also payable in Jamaican Dollars at the Bank of Jamaica daily prevailing rate, are based on global benchmarks.

In order to maintain your licence, you must adhere to the general terms and conditions governing the licensing of ganja activities.  This is in addition to the specific terms and conditions of the licence that you hold.

All transportation vehicles must meet the general requirementsSpecific requirements shall be met when it has been determined by a licensee or by regulatory standards that certain conditions are required for conveying certain ganja plants, ganja products, or other ganja commodities.

Application Checklist Guide for Applicants who are not Applying as an Individual.

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